palatines to america |
Please keep in mind this website is a work in progress. We are a nonprofit all-volunteer organization and we are adding content as we can. Perhaps you have an area of interest or expertise and would like to volunteer to help us meet our goals! | Franz Wilhelm Harsewinkel, Die Auswanderer nach Amerika, 1850; Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons |
So many German-speaking immigrants were from the Palatinate (Pfalz) region during the 1600-1700s that English-speaking people soon called anyone who spoke German a "Palatine." Our organization is interested in researching all German-speaking ancestors, not just those from the Palatinate region.
What is a Palatine, you ask...
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SITE SEARCH | Kitchin, Thomas, Kitchin's General Atlas, describing the Whole Universe: being a complete collection of the most approved maps extant; corrected with the greatest care, and augmented from the last edition of D'Anville and Robert with many improvements by other eminent geographers, engraved on Sixty-Two plates, comprising Thirty Seven maps., Laurie & Whittle, London, 1797. [Public domain] |