palatines to america
german genealogy society


Some of our resources are available to the public, and some are available to Members Only.
Click on the links below to see descriptions of the various resources.

The Palatine Immigrant journal
Members and Non-Members can purchase issues in the Palam Store
Members receive current issues by subscription as part of dues

Palatine Patter newsletter
No access by Non-Members except the most recent issue linked on the Home Page
Members receive current issues by subscription as part of dues
Members can access digital copies of past issues

Ancestor Chart Project
Non-Members can access the index
Members can request charts and can contribute to the project

Immigrant Ancestor Register
No access by Non-Members Members can contribute and download files

NEW! German Genealogy Resource Map
Members and Non-Members can access the interactive Resource Map

German Life Magazine
Members can receive a reduced rate subscription

Online Library Catalog
Members and Non-Members can access

Kocherthal Circle & deGraffenried Circle
No access by Non-Members
Members can access and can apply to join
Members can access previous application files

Ancestral Churches

Members can access and can contribute to the project

Non-Members can access

External Resource Links
External Links to Research Resources
Members and Non-Members can access

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