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Application process

You can download these instructions as a PDF file.
You can download a printable PDF application form to fill out and mail in.

Click on the JOIN link at the top of most pages or in the main menu bar. [Note: You can choose the option of downloading an application form and mailing it in with your check to the address on the form.]

Select your region of residence and click on the application link, for example "U.S. APPLICATION." Dues include postage fees for mailing issues of The Palatine Immigrant journal. "Individual" memberships include Institution and Organization memberships. "Family memberships" are restricted to two individuals residing at the same address. "Life membership" includes life membership for both National and one chapter of your choice.

You will then choose the type of membership within the residential region. For our example, we'll use "U.S. Application, and  "U.S. Individual" on the next page:

On the next page, enter the email address you want to associate with your membership account, and follow the instructions for the security check.

Fill out the application form, following the instructions.

You will then be asked to confirm your selections and the amount due.

You have the option to pay with credit or debit card online or you can choose to be invoiced. We are using Wild Apricot Payments powered by AffiniPay. AffiniPay and Wild Apricot Payments are fully PCI compliant. If payment is not made online in 15 minutes, an invoice will automatically be emailed to you. You can then print the invoice and mail it with your check to the address on the invoice or you can pay the invoice online. You will receive an email confirmation of your payment.

During this process, you will receive a password to use to login to the website. You will also receive an email confirming your application is being reviewed. Once approved, you will receive an email with your PalAm Member Number and more information about logging in and using the website.


Family Membership applications follow the same instructions as the Individual Membership example above, except there is one more step in the process. Wild Apricot uses the term "Bundle" for memberships containing more than one person. Our family memberships are restricted to two people living in the same household, so these are considered "bundle memberships." One member of the family is designated "Bundle coordinator," and the other is a "Bundle member." All administration of a family bundle membership is handled by the family bundle coordinator. Think "Family" whenever you see the word "Bundle."

The person filling out the application form will be the Bundle coordinator. The profile for this person will include an "Add member" link where the coordinator should add the email address (if different from the coordinator) and name of the Bundle member.

Email questions about membership and the membership process to

Return to the JOIN US application page

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